Thursday, February 01, 2007

Miss Right?

For a week I cannot stop thinking of her. She just broke up with her ex-BF and started going out with me. This hope is coming to me when I just gave it up. I don't know if I should chase after her but I do understand that she is always on my mind. I cannot sleep well at night and look forward to any communication from her. Is it called love, I don't know...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Blind date

At the end of 2006, I made a blind date with a study nurse, who is an elegant, gorgeous beauty. unfortunately, she is not my type and she has a boyfriend already. I hate to be the third party to a couple.

Anyway, my first blind date was with a beautiful lady but all probability was ended as soon as the date is over.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A rainbow outside our windows

This morning one of my colleagues found a rainbow outside our windows. It catched a lot of attention because the view is kind of spectacular. The shape is very concrete from the root to the top.

I don't know whether I can take a good picture for it, but it is worth trying.
From Taipei 101

Monday, December 04, 2006

Perfume~ A story of a murderer

I went to the theater for pre-premiere of perfume because Julian recommended it as a classic novel in his senior high school. As a matter of fact, I didn't read the book before, and never heard of it. LOL.

It is very, very attractive until the end of it. The music, the story and the takes can be regarded as a classic. However, the ending is kind of bizarre. As soon as the actor applied the "ultimate" perfume to his body, all other people went crazy and treat him as a angel from heaven.

I know it is a metaphor of power, money or something like that. Once you had power or money, you will be overrated and others will respect you no matter how/what you are, or how many naive people are killed/suffered because of your success.

The author tried to deliver a message that other people will not actually love you just because you have the best perfume(power, money) in the world. After killing 13 girls to complete his "ultimate perfume", the actor realized that he was still in solitude. He cannot recover the flavor of his first lover (first victim of his serial killing actually). Everybody admire him for his perfume but not himself. He decided to back to where he wad born and suicide in a ridiculous way.

Good movie but not that perfect.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Stupid doing

Yesterday, Nov-25, I was looking at BBS and practicing my skill of badminton. Suddenly, I hitted the fluorescent lamp and it was crashed accordingly. And worse, my racket, which I brought from Germany, was damaged as well.

Only few minutes of playing leads to a huge loss.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Aeropress~ An amazing tool for coffee lovers

What could I say? Easy, fun and taste great!!

I purchased Aeropress from PTT for NTD905 per piece, with a pound of home-made coffee bean. Within 3 minutes, I had a cup of expreeso-like coffee in my coffee cup without any technical problem. I sipped and found it sweety and strong, just like a cup of expresso from coffee shop.

You can find out how it works in their website.
From now, I don't have to tolerate the free coffee provided by cheap coffee machine in company.

I believe that every coffee lover should have one in the home or working space. Just try it and you will like it.

Friday, November 03, 2006

The best pic I took in ChiangMai

I took hundreds of photos in ChiangMai. Thanks to beautiful scenery and good weather, most of them are gorgeous picture. But I like this one the most. Posted by Picasa